Peer Tutoring & Study Groups
Peer Tutoring FAQs
- All tutoring is free of charge to students registered in the requested course.
- Tutoring is available for most courses
- Peer tutors are undergraduate students who have taken and succeeded in the classes in which you are registered. They understand the professor, their approach to instruction, and the testing style.
- Peer tutors are trained through our nationally-certified College Reading and Learning Association program (CRLA). Tutors are trained to help you learn how to learn and master your content.
- Note: Because tutors are fellow undergraduate students, they too have a course load of responsibility. We ask students and families to be aware of and follow the policies and procedures we outline for tutees found here: Tutoring Policies and Procedures
Drop-In Tutoring Sessions
- Drop-in help is available for select courses.
- Writing support via Learning Center faculty and staff is available for undergraduate and graduate writing needs. Appointments are preferred.
Learning Center - 585.594.6270 -